Sunday, November 23, 2008

Uncle Brian's Study Guide

Uncle Brian, as you may have noticed, is threatening a test on his meds! Well, here is a handy-dandy study guide to all these medical terms. Here are the things that entered Uncle Brian’s body/were prescribed on the first day of treatment:

Fluorouracil (5FU)- a pyrimidine analog, C4H3FN2O2, used in the treatment of certain cancers. [floo r-uh-yoo r-uh-sil]

Feucovorin (folinic acid)- a crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid, C20H23N7O7, produced by fermentation or derived from folic acid, used in medicine in the treatment of certain anemias. [loo koe VOR in]

Oxaliplatin- a platinum chemotherapy medication in the same family as cisplatin and carboplatin. [ox AL i pla tin]

Avastin (bevacizumab)- a monoclonal antibody against vascular endothelial growth factor. [be vuh SIZ uh mab]

Protonix (pantoprazole)- proton pump inhibitor drug used for short-term treatment of erosion and ulceration of the esophagus. [pan TOE pra zole]

Zofran- a serotonin 5-HT3 antagonist used mainly as an antiemetic to treat nausea and vomiting following chemotherapy. [ZOE-fran]

Dexamethasone- a potent synthetic member of the glucocorticoid class of steroid hormones. [dek-uh-dron]

Complimentary Turkey Sandwich- a sandwich with a turkey filling made available for free to those in the Big Chemo Chair. Their family members, however, must pay for said turkey sandwich. [kom-pluh-men-tuh-ree tur-kee sand-wich]


BB said...

SAH-ruh, u ar tu FUN-nee!

Jill Anderson said...

Hi Sara,

I'm Brian B's mom - not your uncle Brian B, but Vicki's friend Brian B.

Your blog is a great counterpoint to BB's. Keep writing, I'll keep reading. I'm still not ready for BB's test though.


Sara Bean said...

Hi Jill!
I have heard so much about Brian over the years, I think we might have even met once or twice. Thanks very much! I am not prepared for the test at all, don't worry. I'll have to schedule a pre-Thanksgiving cram session, I guess!

Kevin said...

Nice one, hon. I actually LOL'ed out loud.

We need an mnemonic to keep these straight. The first letters of the drugs make "zap off, d".




We'll practice in the car.

Jill Anderson said...

Hey -

Sing the meds list to Twinkle Twinkle and you'll pass the test easily.

Happy Thanksgiving.

and the verification word is....
oundahsi - now to come up with a good definition.

Ginger said...

I believe that's Leucovorin, especially since the pronunciation guide indicates the "L" sound...

Anything ending in -mab (as in bevacizumab) is a monoclonal antibody, and anything ending in -platin is a platinum-derived drug, as you may have noticed.

The drug name for Zofran is Ondansetron, and the brand name of dexamethasone -- that you've got in your pronunciation guide -- is Decadron. There's other brand names for the same drug, so I think of it by drug name to avoid confusion.

Sara Bean said...

Oops, I think I must have made a typo there! I wondered if anyone would catch the pronunciation guide differences. In some cases, I could not find the pronunciation for the name Uncle Brian used, so I just did its drug name, or vice-versa. I am impressed you actually read the whole study guide! :)

Ginger said...

I know most of these drugs already, and use some of them for my patients. I also had a cat with cancer, and we used Ondansetron for his nausea (it did a great job for him).

A good place to go for information is (MedLine Plus

(Let's see if my html tags work...)