Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving! Woot!

I am already pumped for some Thanksgiving fun! Of course, this is a bit early to be focusing all my attention on turkey and stuffing. But I can't help myself. I am making some Thanksgiving predictions:
1) There will be a turkey! Probably courtesy of Aunt Robbie. Yummmmm
2) There will be stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc! Wow, my predictions are really out there.
3) There will be two (2) batches of chocolate pudding courtesy of Nana, as well as some soup. (This I know because she told me.)
4) There will be some kind of pie!

Currently I should be doing homework, cleaning my room, or unpacking from my trip which ended a week ago. But Thanksgiving is looming ahead...what is a hungry girl supposed to do?

Update: Uncle Brian and I have come to a conclusion that a phlebotomist is a unicyclist trained in drawing blood. Finally, a definition that makes complete sense!

Another Update: "My Semi Colon Story" has 14 followers! Oh my! And one of them is Nana, who has started her own blog, "nanasoup"! 'Tis a tech-savvy world.

Shakespeare: "[Thou] mad mustachio purple-hued maltworms!" -Henry IV, part I.
Mustachio= mustache
Maltworm= a tippler
Tippler= one who tipples (*sigh*)
Tipple= To drink (alcoholic liquor) or engage in such drinking, especially habitually or to excess
AHA!!! So this insult means:
You crazy, mustached, purple alcoholic!

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