Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Semi Colon Story: Sweeping the Nation!

After reading Uncle Brian's blog today, I was extremely impressed by all the time he must be spending on this endeavor. Woo-hoo, Uncle Brian! I was even more impressed by the growth of his followers. Before dinner, there were 4 followers. After dinner, *VOILA* there are 7! By breakfast, who knows how many will be there?!

I'm glad to hear that so far, so good on the morale front. Vicki and I were talking a couple of weeks ago on IM. I asked the usual "How's your dad doing," she gave the usual "Fine, he's going for treatment soon..." We soon discovered that there is nothing you can say after a talk about cancer! (Luckily, we began to discuss why that was, so the awkward moment ended.) Being somebody with limited experience with cancer, it seems almost rude to change the subject onto something like how much homework I have. This is problematic, because I almost always whine about school when the conversation dies down.

Uncle Brian's blog sort of addresses this problem head-on. He gives his medical updates, doesn't beat around the bush, but also lets us know it's okay. Yeah, cancer is a huge problem and is life-changing. But it could even end up changing for the better, who knows?

I have just been informed by my computer that I have a follower! *Trumpet fanfare* It is Uncle Brian himself! Uncle Brian, you rock! I pondered the meaning of a "semicolon" story for a while before I actually got it. Oh, man. But when I finally understood, I actually laughed out loud. None of that fake "lol" stuff. By the way, Uncle Brian, I say "B R Be Right Back" ALL the time now. So that credit goes to you!

See you on Thanksgiving!

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