Thursday, January 8, 2009


Hello everyone, and Happy Belated Holidays!

Our Christmas was splendid as usual, and we went skiing in New York with my mom's family. My aunt fractured her humerus very badly, though- the ball joint is shattered in 15 places and they might have to replace her shoulder, so we're all hoping that's not the case.

Sorry for not blogging, school has been quite busy and the play is this weekend. I said "Macbeth" about 15 times in the theater because I was discussing a field trip I had last year- oops!! Hopefully the show isn't a catastrophe! (Although to be honest it probably wouldn't be much different than it is now.) Well, just kidding. The cast and crew are doing a great job but "Museum" is not very funny for a comedy!

Uncle Brian has a new painkiller for his stomach cramps! Percocet is a combination of Oxycodone and Acetaminophen. The dosage is given as two dosages.
Ex: 5mg Oxy/ 325mg Acetaminophen. Uncle Brian says 10/500 would probably sell better on the black market, for those who are interested. Contact him for more information, all leftover Percocets go to the highest bidder!

Congrats to Aunt Robbie for a successful unplugging! And congrats to Uncle Brian because the chemo is working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Huzzah!!!!!!!

1 comment:

soup's on said...

Hi Sara
Great job on the play. Of all the hundreds of cast members, you were the outstanding performer. You looked beautiful and I could hear you clearly.

Are you trying out for Beauty and the Beast?

Hope that play has better weather. After all the rehearsals who wants to get postponed.

See you soon. Love, Nana