Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Study Guide Mayhem! And an insult

Ginger, my dad's cousin, has noticed some errors in the Handy-Dandy Study Guide! It is actually "Leucovorin," not "Feucovorin" (the pronunciation guide is correct). Also, sometimes the pronunciation is different than the word! This is because I couldn't find pronunciation for the word Uncle Brian gave me, so I used the pronunciation for its other name. Ginger also gave some useful tips on how to remember things: anything ending in -mab is a monoclonal antibody, and anything ending in -platin is a platinum-derived drug. So that ought to be useful for all you dedicated students!

My dad, Kevin also noted that the drugs (but not the Complimentary Turkey Sandwich) make a mnemonic "zap off'd". Sadly, thanks to my typo it doesn't work, but you can still use it if you ignore Ginger's comment. :)

Jill suggests singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" with the drugs as words! "Dexamethasone, Leucovorin, little Fluorouracil" seems easy enough to remember, right?

I would be happy to take any other suggestions for study guide improvement. Dance moves, maybe? A rap? A sonnet? The possibilities are endless!

Here's a random Shakespearean insult for today:
"Thou beslubbering reeling-ripe giglet!"
I could not find a definition for beslubbering or reeling-ripe! A wiglet is a small wig, though. So translated, this means "You (verb)ing (adjective) small wig!" I'm sure that was very helpful to you all.

UPDATE: My dad pointed out that I put a definition for wiglet, when the insult said "giglet". A giglet is a giggling, playful girl. Not really the same as a small wig, but that's okay.


Robbie said...

Your blog has me rolling on the
floor laughing!! Thanks! Keep it
up (but no pressure...)
love, Aunt Robbie

Sara Bean said...

Ah!! Pressure!!! Thanks, Aunt Robbie! Sorry I left pajamas, newspapers etc. strewn on the floor of your house. Thanks for the excellent Thanksgiving though!
Love, Sara